Duchess's Domain

Bedtime Trials

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Bedtime Trials

Eventually, a picture of my niece holding her teddy bear!

Pudgy hands sticky with cherry sucker

clutched the limp, ragged teddy’s neck.

Within her arm’s reach waited the light switch.


A growl issued forth from under her dainty, pink bed

as warm air gushed across her slippered feet.

Her Barbie patterned room instantly warmed.


Tightening her hold on the teddy’s neck,

she thrust it in front of her, her champion.

Instantly, silver mail covered it for backbone.


The little girl saw her courageous bear nod,

so her petite arm inched toward the switch.

Quick as a sword stroke, the room went black.


Tiptoeing quietly she watched for sign of movement.

A few feet away, she tossed her knight onto the bed

and leapt upon the covers, hurriedly covering her face.


Safe, she hugged her Teddy Bear Knight and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, her mother’s voice floated up the stairs:

“Don't forget to brush your teeth before going bed!”